The Future of Work
Given the escalating speed of technological advancement, the longevity of relevant employee skills ranges from two and a half to less than five years. As a result, an organization's success depends on its ability to engage employees in adapting and upskilling, not optimizing for performance of an established workflow. However, this crucial need for development appears to be unmet. Deloitte’s 2024 Human Capital Trends report found that “only 43% of workers say their organizations have left them better off than when they started,” suggesting a significant gap between the necessity of upskilling and employee experiences.
Especially with the advent of AI, organizations need humans to do what humans do best – use their imagination, curiosity, and intuition to solve novel problems. Employees must be empowered at all levels; you simply cannot rely on seniority when everyone is learning new models of work at the same time.
To create value for their employees, forward-thinking organizations prioritize:
· Opportunities for advancement
· Clear goals and the autonomy to reach them in a self-directed fashion
· Psychological safety and a sense of belonging
· Professional development
· Equitable compensation
· Physical and mental health benefits
· A willingness to take risks on employee-generated ideas
· Mentorship and other opportunities to connect across disciplines
Most importantly, organizations should engage in constant dialogue with their employees. Confidential resources like tEQuitable can anonymize and aggregate candid employee feedback. tEQuitable also empowers employees to present their ideas or critiques directly when they chose, promoting fairness, clarity, and remaining mindful of impacts on the business.
The future of work demands a new social contract between organizations and their employees – one that recognizes the mutual benefits of investing in human capital. By embracing the strategies outlined above and making a genuine commitment to employee well-being, companies can position themselves as leaders in their industries, attract top talent, and cultivate an adaptable workforce ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.