COVID Accommodations For Remote Work

Actionable recommendations
that can be instituted at your company
and will improve employee well-being
during challenging times

We conducted an informal survey to better understand the adaptations companies have implemented in response to the current WFH situation spurred by COVID-19, particularly in relation to work culture. The recommendations we gathered are focused on five goals.

Accommodation Goals

  • Keep employees connected and engaged with teammates
  • Promote cross-organizational awareness and communication in a socially-distant environment
  • Provide entertaining distractions to help employees relieve stress
  • Proactively deter burn out, especially for high performers
  • Visibly demonstrate to your employees that you care about their well-being

Social Connection

Activities to help coworkers bond while working remotely

Key Work Benefits

Consider new benefits to support employees’ well-being

Management Practices

Tips for successfully leading remote teams


Social Connection

“Lunch & Learn”

Do something educational outside of normal expertise. For example cooking class, calligraphy or origami.

Virtual Wine/Tea Tasting

Each person gets the same variety pack of tea/wine, and each day everyone picks one to discuss.

Team Happy Hour

Break into small groups (max 15), assign a group facilitator and suggest discussion topics/activities. HR leaders, managers & executives should rotate groups.

Start a Channel to Share Resources

Create a hub where employees can share fun resources, activities and outlets. For example food, tv shows to watch, discounts or even Zoo Cams!

Coffee Chats

Randomized 15 minute 1-on-1 pairings for coworkers to take a break and meet someone new at the company.

Lunch on the Company

Order-in delivery some type of cuisine and teams eat together.

Wondering what your employee are struggling with while working from home?
Read about the most common sentiments employees are facing right now

Key Work Benefits

Enable Flex Time

Allow employees to schedule and work during the optimal hours that account for their circumstances.

Schedule a Company Wide Day Off

Offer your employees a day away from the computer. Schedule a day off for everyone so no one feels pressured to work or misses anything.

Structure Caretakers Leave

Are your employees struggling to de-stress?

Encourage them to:
1. Limit exposure to draining activities
2. Take time to replenish and refuel
3. Expend energy wisely
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Management Practices

Executive Leadership Ask Me Anythings (AMAs)

Provide employees with real, honest answers on any subject and establish a connection

As a Line Manager…

1. Hold weekly 1-on-1s with each team member - now is not the time to let this drop

2. Promote compassion and empathy amongst team members

3. Take personal responsibility for social activities for your team

Establish New Work Norms

1. All participants should have cameras on during meetings - it makes a huge difference!

2. Implement note taking for every meeting - rotate that responsibility

3. Avoid scheduling back-to-back-to-back meetings

4. Encourage adherence to business hours- no email/messaging during off-hours

5. Keep centralized repositories - Try Notion to store all notes and documents

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